日本学術会議ニュース・メール ** No.634

2018年6月10日(日)  カテゴリー: お知らせ

** 日本学術会議ニュース・メール ** No.634 ** 2018/5/25
      第18回アジア学術会議 開催案内について(概要)
                               吉野 博
■趣 旨
(“Role of Science for Society: Strategies towards SDGs in Asia ”)
日 程:2018年12月5日〜12月7日
会 場:日本学術会議(東京都港区六本木7-22-34)
主 催:日本学術会議
2018年7月17日: 論文要旨(Abstract)提出期限
2018年8月31日: 審査結果通知(Notification of Acceptance of Paper)
2018年10月中旬: 発表者登録期限(Registration of Presenting Authors)
2018年11月中旬: 論文全文(Full Paper)提出期限
■使用言語 英語
Topics of the conference will include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Energy, Natural Resources and Built Environment(SDGs 7,11,12)
・Access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy
・Sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
・Smart cities and zero energy buildings
2. Aging Society, Health and Medical Care(SDGs 3)
・Access to quality essential health-care services
and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all
・End preventable deaths of newborns and children
・Healthy city and housing
・Inclusive design and technology for physically handicapped people
3. Biodiversity and Sustainable Use of Biological Resources(SDGs 14,15)
・Sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources
・Sustainable use of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems
・Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits
from the utilization of genetic resources
4. Cities, History and Cultural Heritage(SDGs 11)
・Access for all to adequate,
safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums
・Protect and safeguard the world’s cultural heritage
・Adverse environmental impact of cities
5. Disaster Risk Reduction(SDGs 9,11,13)
・Reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure
・Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to
climate-related hazards and natural disasters

6. Gender(SDGs 5)
・Ensure women's full and effective participation
and equal opportunities for leadership
・Reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources
7. Poverty, Inequalities and Immigrants(SDGs 1,10)
・Ensure the equal rights to economic resources for the poor and the vulnerable
・Build the resilience of the poor and reduce their exposure and vulnerability to
climate-related extreme events and other economic,
social and environmental shocks and disasters
・Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration
and mobility of people
8. Education(SDGs 4)
・Ensure that all girls and boys complete free,
equitable and quality primary and secondary education
・Gender disparities in education
・Ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge
and skills needed to promote sustainable development
9. Economy(SDGs 8)
・Economic productivity through diversification,
technological upgrading and innovation
・Decent work for all women and men
・Labour rights and safe and secure working environments for all workers,
including migrant workers
10. Water and Food(SDGs 2,6)
・Universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
・Access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all
・Sustainable agriculture
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